15 July 2009

Where more people get their news than probably should...

Looks like I got a little bit of attention the other day. First, my post regarding an embarassing (although certainly understandable) spelling mistake on the US Army Combined Arms Center Twitter page resulted in the error being corrected within a few hours by USACAC. Later in the day, I also found out that my latest post on Small Wars Journal regarding the BigDog walker droid (as I call it) made the Department of Defense's daily news roundup, The Early Bird on Monday morning (13 July).

See, so I don't just talk about break-dancing Imperial stormtroopers, cats playing piano and Megan Fox pictures. Although strangely enough, I couldn't help but make a Star Wars reference when talking about the little Walker droid in SWJ.

In other Small Wars Journal news, I was a little dismayed to discover that most magazines in Australia are about a month behind those in the US. On the good side, however, if you're an Aussie and you post in the Small Wars Council, you can still use this line at the bar:

"I'm kind of a big deal. You know the latest issue of Rolling Stone Magazine with Lady Gaga on the cover? Yeah, page 85."

And if you don't post in the SWC, why not start doing so?

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