23 June 2010

Words of advice

One of my fellow captains forwarded me these words from the National Review:
Note to readers: Unless you’re Al Gore or Robert F. Kennedy Jr., if Rolling Stone calls, it’s not because they want to do a positive profile about you. Even though they’ll say how much they admire you, how you’re misunderstood, how they want to write a deeper piece than you get from those other lamestream-media organizations, something more revealing that will let people see the real you, and how they need behind-the-scenes access and to spend hours with you so they can really do their job and write responsibly, yada yada yada. Don’t fall for it. It’s okay to say “no.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a counterpoint, please remember that "Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point" started out as a Rolling Stone article and ended up becoming an important (and fair) book for civilians interested in learning more about the lives of West Point cadets.

I've heard base commanders from every service in a dozen states complain that they don't appreciate the perceived slant they get in media coverage. Every leader in uniform needs to remember that in addition to the long hours, dangerous deployment, incomparable responsibility, and relatively weak pay, you will be subject to constant scrutiny. The actions and decisions you make in the military have greater impact than almost any other American profession.

Don't focus on whether it is fair or unfair; just remember that it just is.