While Hezbollah paid veiled – or muhajjabat –supporters $15 per day for attending the demonstration, those who agreed to go unveiled were paid a little over $33 or 50,000 LL.
Dr. Hilal Khashan, professor of political studies at the American University of Beirut (AUB), suspected that this unique privileging of unveiled women by a party that encourages the wearing of the hijab among its women followers was because it “wanted [them] to look like Christians.” The appearance of unveiled women would have helped make the protest look like a national movement rather than a sectarian one.
As the Great Satan's Girlfriend would say, "Oh, it's true bay bee".
Speaking of which, I'm surprised that the GSGF isn't hosting an IDF Girl vs. Hezbollah Death Babe pillow fight right now. (Hint, hint, Courtney)
i really dont get the point of claiming a first as anon newfag
We didn't start the flame war
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wow - you guys either are young high-school kids who are up way to early to post, or just disablied guys who can't get a job.... you are arguihng and calling people names because they/you were(n't) first? Wow - contribute something to the article and then say first ... wow
like add something like - that girl is pretty hot in that picture and I think she was in maxim's last issue? lmao
ich würde sie tun.
Lol, the same what ALL NATO Terrorists do: putting common people behind them while they talk sh..
have a look when the top world-terrorist talks (the US-president -doesn´t matter which one, the are ALL terrorists)
Unter Terrorismus (lat. terror „Furcht“, „Schrecken“) sind Gewalt und Gewaltaktionen (wie z. B.: Entführungen, Attentate, Sprengstoffanschläge etc.) gegen eine politische Ordnung zu verstehen, um einen politischen Wandel herbeizuführen. Der Terror dient als Druckmittel und soll vor allem Unsicherheit und Schrecken verbreiten oder Sympathie und Unterstützungsbereitschaft erzeugen.[1] Terrorismus ist keine militärische Strategie, sondern primär eine Kommunikationsstrategie.[2] Terroristen streben zwar nach Veränderungen der bestehenden Ordnung, doch greifen sie nicht militärisch nach Raum (wie z. B. der Guerillero), sondern wollen das Denken besetzen und dadurch Veränderungsprozesse erzwingen
und 'wir haben geächtete waffen und keine scheu die zu benutzen' ist kein angstverbreitendes druckmittel?
hello, my name is mr. greenthump
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