21 December 2008

So, obviously, a bit of a slow day...

So it's Facebook profile picture time...

Okay, aside from that, I had the opportunity to go to another FOB and meet up with some fellow Soldiers from another company.  Turns out that they've actually taken to building quite a few things in their area, to include a full-up jacuzzi and BBQ grill pit area.  Okay, at least it's a fairly good attempt at building a jacuzzi.  But really, that's not bad for a place made out of plywood (and, for some strange reason, also made of...water skis?  I swear, I really can't make this stuff up).


Anonymous said...

Hello Captain,

Lots of good reading here. I noticed you have interests in classical studies (Homer, Ovid, etc) and if you are on facebook, would like to invite you to my Iliad Reading Group.

Greg in Mexico

Starbuck said...

Hey, I'll be sure to drop by. Thanks!