28 September 2009

Links of the Day

Our first link is "A Modern War Reader", which is a counterinsurgency reading list posted by Jules Crittenden, but taken from JH Stuart. I think I am going to have to put together my own counterinsurgency/4GW reading list in the near future to compliment my "what's on my bookshelf" post which earned me an entry in the blog Omnivoracious, entitled "Lawrence and Lad Lit: A Helicopter Pilot's Bookshelf". In the meantime, though, I'll link to Jules Crittenden's COIN reading list, which features a great analysis of my favorite book about insurgency (and favorite book of all time), Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence. Crittenden should be commended for noticing the difference between the 1926 and 1922 editions.

Bonus: For those of you who like seeing military bookshelves, check out Omnivoracious' post "The General's Bookshelf: What's Petraeus Reading?" for an analysis of Petraeus' latest book, courtesy of Tom Ricks.

The second great link of the day comes from the US Naval Institute's Blog, and it shows us how to be an OODA-Loopy successful commander.

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